

RCL FOODS has woven Sustainability into its Business Strategy to secure a positive future.

The term “Sustainability” often brings to mind lush green landscapes and environmental activism. However, it’s actually so much more than that. “We need to move past the idea that sustainability is just a ‘green’ initiative. In a corporate context and for RCL FOODS, it’s about ensuring a resilient future for our businesses, our communities, our environment, and ourselves,” says Tarryn Hughes, Group Sustainability & Corporate Brand Executive at RCL FOODS.

Sustainability is not just a buzzword; it’s a key part of how RCL FOODS makes decisions in our ever-changing world. “It is a lens that helps us rethink our business practices, aiming to balance profitability, social responsibility, and environmental care. Together, these elements strengthen our future as a business and as a country.” Tarryn explains.

One example of this integrated thinking in our business is the use of macadamia nut shells, instead of coal, in our Nkomazi Sugar mill boilers. In the Lowveld, where macadamia plantations flourish, the shells of these nuts present a readily available renewable fuel source which ordinarily becomes waste. They have a far lower emissions factor than coal. This means the use of 4 361 tons of shells displaced approximately 2 535 tons of coal in 2023, avoiding 6 307 tons of greenhouse gas production.

This has amounted to a cost saving of R20.9 million over the past three years. This degree of cost saving is, however, likely to decline over the next period as the price of macadamia nuts rises while the coal price declines.

Sustainability underpins RCL FOODS’ Purpose – WE GROW WHAT MATTERS. Our Sustainability Strategy and Purpose were developed together in 2023 because they are two sides of the same coin: creating a business with enduring positive impact. “Our Purpose and Vision provide our direction, while our Sustainability Strategy (amongst other things) supports the delivery of our Business Strategy, and hence our Purpose,” says Tarryn. “At RCL FOODS, when we talk Purpose, we’re also inherently talking Sustainability.”

Because the impacts of climate change, resource depletion, and social inequality are already affecting us all.

By taking action now, we can mitigate these risks, adapt to changes, and contribute to a more sustainable future for everyone.

Sustainability is a game changer and a smart move for any business. “Imagine sustainability as the compass guiding a business ship through uncharted waters,” says Tarryn. “It’s not just about avoiding environmental hazards; it’s about creating a resilient vessel that can weather economic storms and navigate societal changes.

Businesses that adopt sustainable practices are better prepared for long-term success, as they build trust, enhance resilience, and meet the changing preferences of consumers and customers.”

We all have a role to play in this journey. Each of us can make a difference by integrating sustainable practices into our daily lives.

Whether it’s using something deemed as ‘waste’ as an input elsewhere, finding ways to reduce water and energy consumption, or supporting community initiatives which will improve the lives of people, every small step counts.

“To create a better future, we need to act fast and work together. Everyone has a part to play. By each of us doing that little more, together we can grow what really matters.”

At RCL FOODS, we are clear on where to focus our efforts (outlined in the Sustainability Strategy below) and we have a roadmap to guide us forward.

Sustainability has been built into our Business Strategy so that now together, we can navigate these challenges and seize the opportunities that sustainability offers.

Join us in this exciting journey towards sustainability! Start by making one small change today. Small changes can have big impacts.

Ensuring safe working conditions, driving fair compensation, promoting diversity and inclusion, and building capability through learning and development opportunities amongst our employees. This pillar also includes building resilience in local communities around our facilities through proactive engagement and collaboration and localisation.

Supporting lives well lived by offering responsibly produced and responsibly sourced consumer goods that support food security and help make healthy and sustainable living a reality.

Using materials and energy efficiently to reduce water use, waste and emissions, sourcing materials with transparent, traceable and ethical supply chains. All this while being transparent about our progress along the way.

To find out more about Sustainability at RCL FOODS, take a look at the annual RCL FOODS Sustainable Business Report.