Creating better tomorrows for young children through partnerships.

In 2017, we founded The DO MORE FOUNDATION as a separate non-profit entity to align with our “doing CSI unusual” approach, which emphasises long-term impact and sustainable change for community development in South Africa.

“If we are to build a better future for South Africa, we must invest in the early years and give these children a chance to thrive.”

– Warren Farrer, CEO of the DO MORE FOUNDATION

Together we can #DoMore to grow what matters

The Foundation ignites collaboration to sustainably support the well-being of young children (birth to five years) in under-served communities in South Africa. As a backbone organisation, the Foundation facilitates strategic partnerships between the public, private and non-profit sectors to provide dynamic solutions to the complex challenges faced by South Africa’s vulnerable communities.

Through its National Young Child Programmes, the Foundation and mission-aligned supporters, focus on improving nutrition, early learning and providing parent/caregiver support. Through deep-rooted Community Development Initiatives, the Foundation brings together multi-sectoral partners to promote universal access to a comprehensive basket of services specific to each community’s Early Childhood Development (ECD) needs.

These national programmes and community initiatives are underpinned by South Africa’s National Integrated ECD Policy and the World Health Organisation’s Nurturing Care Framework.