
You + Your Hound = ❤️

This July, RCL FOODS launched its Progessive Web App, Yapper; a first in the industry to promote pet health!

Yapper is a fun and interactive FREE app that encourages users to take the best care of their pet by motivating them with treats and rewards along the way!

Based on the ‘gamification’ model, the app uses game mechanics and experience design to digitally engage and motivate people to achieve their goals. We believe that gamification works because it triggers real, powerful human emotions that drives positive user experiences and leads to better engagement, loyalty and higher sales.

The Yapper App ‘gamifies’ looking after a pet by providing users with the tools and support to improve their pet’s health through earning ‘Paw Points’, offering great incentives to motivate them along the way. The more Paw Points a user has, the higher they climb on the leader board,  increasing their  tag status, and getting them treats and rewards from various ‘Paw Partners’. Users can earn these points by completing daily activities with their pet like running, walking, bathing, tracking water consumption, uploading health checks and completing weekly multipliers.

At RCL FOODS, we’re committed to making an impact on the health of animals and through the Yapper App, we help pet owners do the same!