40g / 1⁄3 cup Supreme cake fl our
½ teaspoon caraway seeds
¼ teaspoon cayenne pepper
¼ teaspoon chilli fl akes
½ teaspoon salt
1 egg
6 tablespoons water
½ medium white onion
1 heaped cup tinned sweetcorn in brine
2 tablespoons olive oil
Avocado Crema:
2 avocados
juice of half a lime
½ cup sour cream
salt and pepper
Cooking Instructions
In a bowl add fl our, caraway seeds, cayenne pepper, chilli fl akes, salt, egg
and water. Mix to a batter.
Finely dice the onion and rinse and drain the sweetcorn. Mix in both to the
Add the olive oil to a pan and set to medium heat.
With a big spoon, take a burger-sized amount of the batter and place it
into the pan. If needed adjust slightly with the spoon to make the patties
look nice.
Fry fl at in the pan 5 minutes each side or until golden brown.
Blend all the avocado crema ingredients in a food processor and serve in
a dipping bowl with the fritters on the side.