240g / 2 cups Supreme cake fl our
15ml salt
30ml Selati sugar
10g / 1 sachet instant yeast
45ml oil
± 300ml water
± 70g semolina (for rolling out pizza)
1 cup crème fraîche
1⁄3 cup grated mozzarella
1⁄3 cup white cheddar
½ packet bacon lardons (lightly cooked)
2 tablespoons canola oil
3 spring onions (finely sliced)
large pinch of black pepper
Cooking Instructions
Pre-heat your oven to 220ºC. In a large bowl, mix together fl our, salt, sugar
and yeast. Make a well in the centre and add the oil and water.
Mix well to form a soft dough. If the dough seems a little stiff add another
15-30ml water. Tip the dough onto a lightly fl oured work surface and knead
for 10-12 minutes until the dough is silky smooth.
Place the dough in a lightly oiled bowl and leave to rise for 1 hour until
doubled in size.
Knock back the dough and dust a work surface with semolina. Roll out the
dough as thinly as possible.
Place the base onto a baking tray and bake for 3-5 minutes, then remove
from the oven and pop any air pockets with a fork.
Spread the crème fraîche over the crust, leaving just a little bare crust
border. Distribute the grated cheese over the crust and finish everything off
with the bacon lardons and a dusting of black pepper.
Return to oven for 7-10 minutes or until the cheese is bubbling hot and
Remove from the oven and garnish with the sliced spring onions.