2 teaspoons Supreme cake fl our
2 teaspoons mustard powder
freshly ground black pepper
1 small whole beef fillet
2 sprigs rosemary
2-3 tablespoons olive oil
1 onion (cut into thick slices)
2 carrots (cut into quarters)
4 cloves garlic
2 sprigs thyme
sea salt
Yorkshire Puddings:
200g Supreme cake fl our
10ml salt
4 eggs
200ml full cream milk
canola oil
1 sachet Roast meat gravy (ready-made)
200g mange tout
200g fine green beans
Cooking Instructions
Combine the fl our, mustard powder and pepper and dust over the surface
of the meat. Stud the meat with rosemary. Do not season with salt as it
has a tendency to draw the moisture out.
Pre-heat the oven to 200°C. Heat some of the oil in a frying pan and seal
the beef on all sides, allowing it to caramelise a little. In a large roasting
tray add the remaining oil and the onion, carrot and garlic and place the
beef on top. Sprinkle with thyme and salt and roast for 15-20 minutes for
medium rare.
Meanwhile, prepare the puddings. Sift the fl our into a bowl and stir in
the salt. Beat the eggs and milk together in a separate bowl. Make a well
in the centre of the fl our and add the egg and milk mixture 1⁄3 at a time,
whisking vigorously to incorporate. Once the batter is smooth, rest it in
the refrigerator. Warm a muffi n tray in the oven while the beef cooks.
Transfer the beef to a warm plate and rest covered in foil for 30 minutes.
Turn the oven up to 220°C. Pour 1cm of canola oil into the base of each
mould in the warm muffi n tray. Place in the oven until the fat is smoking.
Pour the batter into each mould to 3 ⁄4 full. Bake in the oven for 15-20
minutes until crisp and golden brown.
Meanwhile, warm the gravy, simmering over low heat for 8-10 minutes.
Blanch the mange tout and green beans in boiling water for ± 2 minutes
until cooked through but still crunchy and serve immediately.
Slice the beef into 4 medallions and serve with the mange tout, green
beans and puddings. Pour on the gravy.